I AM writing in response to Cllr Roger Hayes’ earlier letter in this newspaper.

Rather than attacking his Labour opponent, maybe Cllr Hayes could tell us what he has done for the residents of Smithills during his long tenure as councillor?

Is he proud of his roadworks improvements in Elgin Street and Church Road? These have caused chaos for local shops and local residents.

These traffic calming measures were introduced at the behest of Cllr Hayes and his two fellow councillors— and to great publicity in their Focus newsletter. Yet, when this disastrous scheme was mentioned to Cllr Hayes at a recent area forum, he had not very much to say on the subject!

On the issue of the country, Cllr Hayes’ party has been in power with the Conservatives for two years now — surely it’s time to take responsibility for your own government’s decisions, Cllr Hayes?

Does Cllr Hayes agree with cutting the funds to revamp Smithills School? Does he support the tax credit changes and “granny tax” which will hit ordinary people across Bolton, including his own ward?

I think its high time that Cllr Hayes told us what he stands for and not simply what he is against!

Mr P Smith Bolton