SCOUT Moor, not too far from Bolton, is in the news with the intention to construct more wind turbines. Scout Moor, between Edenfield and Rochdale, currently has 26 massive turbines decorating the skyline and is the most extensive land wind farm in Europe.

In an attempt to try and meet objections to peppering the whole of the British skyline with what reminds me of vertically erected Concordes, the powers that be have a policy to try and eliminate opposition by concentrating the turbines in one place.

This, unsurprisingly, isn’t playing well with the local residents. Who can imagine John Constable paintings with a wind farm in the frame?

Much needs to be done to prevent global warming, but the precious British countryside is finished if these stomach-churning constructions are allowed to wreck the whole skyline.

Fracking for gas is also a hazardous route to go down. According to the latest information, earthquakes might be the least of the problems caused by fracking and, of course, nuclear power’s record on safety is less than desirable.

Yes, perhaps more care is taken in the UK regarding nuclear but, sooner or later, something unforeseen could occur with very wide environmental and health impacts.

Chernobyl had global implications with sheep not allowed to graze in our high countryside until very recently — if not up to the current date.

So where do we start? I once read that, compared with the status quo, conservation of energy could contribute to 40 per cent of our needs — not surprising when you see a large town or city at night, with millions of lights left glowing unnecessarily.

Research and development, with the required backing from government, universities and firms, will discover less damaging and risky solutions.

Perhaps we will have to meet partway and tolerate some wind turbines, but it’s certainly very chilling and unacceptable to hear that three times the number that currently exist are planned as we blindly allow Europe to dictate targets we must meet.

I suggest we let our MPs, council officers and elected members know where we stand on the English, Scottish, Welsh and Northern Irish countryside’s protection from this onslaught.

M W Greenhalgh Shaftesbury Avenue Lostock