ON reading a number of your readers’ letters on Christianity, may I add my comments?

There seems to be the perception that the mainstream Christian churches are the be-all and end-all of the Christian faith.

Wrong. If they read the Bible more, they would find what God and his son, Jesus Christ, are.

The church is merely a catalyst for the ministry of Jesus Christ and should reflect that ministry laid down in the scriptures, until they can be proved false, and that has not happened yet.

But for reasons known to themselves, the church changes the rules to suit man, not God.

The clergy take a fee called a stipend salary, yet Jesus said to his disciples “you received the word of God free, you must give it free,” but how things have been altered.

Is this because if they cannot live with it, then their answer is to change it to suit?

Now the subject is same-sex marriages. The Bible makes its view known, but if some clergy want to perform same-sex marriage, let them, because there is no way it can be said that God blesses such a union.

If the Bible is anything to go off, quite the opposite is true. In fact, there are some clergy giving out blessings who will be hard pushed to answer for their own conduct, as we have seen in recent years.

Grenville Moore Melbourne Road Bolton