Guest education blogger Sophie Norris reveals her thoughts leading up to getting her A-level results.

14/08/13 (18:07)

I’ve been working today so luckily I’ve managed to dodge all the ‘good luck’ texts, emails and phone calls. My body always does that thing were I panic like crazy for a few days, then suddenly just one or two days before something important is about to happen I start to feel numb. My mum has picked me up in the car and we’re off to visit my grandma who holds that one special talent that all grandmas have; the ability to calm people down. I’m dying my mum’s hair later to help pass the time, might even bake a cake, give myself a ‘mani-pedi’, reawaken my love for heavy rock; anything to keep myself occupied.

14/08/13 (23:24)

So, I’ve just had a nice bath with the bath bomb that I purchased especially for results day eve. It has glitter and cocoa butter in it so it’s really relaxing. The walls in my bedroom seem to be closing in on me, although I can’t decide whether that is due to nerves or just extreme tiredness. I have spent the last week frantically scrolling through results-related posts on Facebook, all with the hope that someone, anybody, will reassure me that everything will be fine. This evening I have managed to dye my mum’s hair, visit my grandma, eat two dinners, have a bath, apply and remove teeth whitening gel four times, stare at a list of things to buy for University, resist the urge to crack from the pressure, apply fake tan ready for tomorrow’s pictures and sit here writing this. I’m feeling pretty tired now, so I think I’ll climb in bed, switch off my head and enjoy the upbeat comedy of my Friends box set in preparation for the day ahead tomorrow. I hope I don’t fail drastically; my family is going out for Mexican food to celebrate my success. Good night!

14/08/13 (23:53)

I’m up. I just remembered that clearing vacancies go live at 00.01 tonight. I’m feeling pretty sick right now. That feeling, the rising wave of panic that takes over your body - I have that right now. Everyone is writing on the Facebook page for my chosen university. I wish they would all stop it and go to sleep. I wonder how everyone else is feeling… 15/08/13 (06:40) My mum just came in to wake me up. I must have been tired as I usually get up at 6am on the dot on results day. I’m about to log in to my college website and view my results. Don’t know how I feel, to be honest; it’s a mixture of excitement, nerves and tiredness, I think.

15/08/13 (07:05)

Any student will know what it feels like just as you are about to open your results. It’s like an overwhelming feeling of panic. Inside that envelope, or one click away if you’re on the internet, are your results. These grades will determine your future, which is already pretty uncertain if you consider that most people are moving away from home within the next month. Anyway, I opened my results with my mum by my side and there they were, exactly what I wanted. All my work, the late nights working until 2am, the stressful long days and sleepless nights, was all worth it. There is a bit of an anti-climax when you realise that all your work for two years has resulted in a small piece of paper, but then it becomes clear just what the results mean, that you can take the next step to reaching your goals.

15/08/13 (13:34)

I’ve spend most of the morning speaking to my close relatives and friends, discussing results, exams and university. This is a very exciting time for me and all other students hoping to go to university or on to other things. The future may be uncertain, but it is looking pretty exciting. Things are on the up. I visited college for the last time today. I was chosen for some pictures by my tutors which is pretty embarrassing considering they can’t have chosen me for my looks. It was nice to see some of my classmates for the last time and say goodbye. I went shopping and bought myself a nice new top as a post-results present to accompany my pre-results present, a handbag. Most of my friends are going to Manchester tonight to celebrate, although I think I’d rather spend the night at my dad’s house with my family. Freshers' wristbands have been released today so I need to save for one of those.

Sophie, who lives in Bolton, got 5 As from Holy Cross College in Bury