TO “Your choices on housing” (Name and address supplied), please get real.

Yes, some people need sheltered housing, especially those with disabilities who cannot manage stairs, but not all need or want the same amount of support.

Some may feel a phone call every morning is unnecessary, or leaving a key with Careline and all that that entails, as an invasion upon one’s privacy. Everyone may not require the same, but still need sheltered housing.

Sometimes this may come across as dictatorship — we are not all alike and ultimatums are not always the answer.

Bolton at Home decided to abolish the little warden and instead chose housing support officers and quite rightly so. It sounds much less institutional, so let’s not create another with ultimatums.

Fortunately, not everyone is as submissive and do not need being talked down to, preferring to be spoken to as an individual and in an adult manner and, thankfully, I have been treated that way. I am also a resident in sheltered housing.

Mrs A Lockett Slaidburn Avenue Bolton