AWAY in a manger, no crib for a bed …… and how do we think Joseph and Mary might have fared in 2015?

In the original, the workman and his heavily pregnant partner travel from afar to reach what they hope is a safe haven in Bethlehem. However, they are met with a largely unhelpful reception and directed to the most humble of dwellings with little help.

There are probably two modern versions. The couple are welcomed with open arms, settled in a flat and given a guide to claiming benefits. Or, they’re forced to live on the streets in insanitary and uncomfortable conditions, or in a hostel.

It’s worth considering because we appear to have moved so far away from what the Nativity story means that many schools don’t even recreate this in their Christmas productions any more.

Without sounding too preachy or patronising, surely practising caring values doesn’t necessarily hinge on how many times you attend church – or if you attend at all - but how you conduct your life and treat others? In 2014, a large percentage of the population is largely indifferent to the plight of those less fortunate.

Fortunately, there are local organisations and individuals offering a practical helping hand and friendship. Just consider what Urban Outreach, BRASS and several churches and other organisations achieve throughout the year.

But, bring it down to what each of us has done for others during the last 12 months and it’s a safe bet we think putting the odd quid in a collecting box ticks off “charitable giving” adequately.

Actually, the real giving is about sharing time and attention. That could be to an elderly neighbour who doesn’t have anyone coming round on Christmas Day, just like the other 364 days of the year. Or to a new family in the community, newly arrived from a war-torn country or just settling in with few personal possessions.

This is a time for families. Perhaps a simple gesture – like popping in to see they’re OK or offering a home-made dish – might well make another family or individual realise that, yes, there is caring here.

Just like Mary and Joseph had hoped from their long journey, there are people who give some of themselves to helping without expecting any reward. Like costly Christmas gifts but without something tangible, just the shared spirit of kindness is truly far better than anything else.