PROTEIN. What's the big deal?

Protein isn't just for blokes wanting big muscles, everyone can benefit from increasing their lean protein intake.

Protein not only helps muscles build and repair, it is also great for weight loss too.

Each meal should contain a balance of protein, carbs and healthy fats.

The protein in our meal takes longer to leave our stomach than the carbohydrates or fats do, so will keep us feeling fuller for longer.

Lean protein will also help to keep your blood sugar levels steady, which is what we need to be able to lose body fat.

Lean protein will generally have fewer calories than carbohydrates or fats, so if you have a well balanced meal you'll be both satisfied and you'll be eating fewer calories.

Win-win situation if you ask me!

Protein is essential for making bones, cartilage, enzymes and hormones.

Women’s hormones naturally fluctuate through the month and these will determine our mood and our fertility.

If we do not take in enough protein then both our mood and our fertility can be affected, so it is especially important for women to take in enough lean protein.

If you are unsure how much protein you need then have a look at your diet, try to incorporate a lean protein source from things like fish, pulses, meat, eggs, dairy, poultry, nuts and seeds etc into each meal.

If you are still in doubt then speak to a health professional or nutritional specialist.

Protein can help protect your body from some health problems and disease too, such as high blood pressure, diabetes and osteoporosis.

So protein is an important part of everybody's diet and comes with great benefits.

Chose lean sources which will be less fatty and naturally lower in calories for optimum nutrition, especially if weight loss is your goal.

To get in touch with Claire, follow her on Tiwtter @CLKpt or email