Recently we read about a situation where an elderly person living on his own in a community dwelling was found lying dead without anyone knowing about it. The story was that the individual had opted out of 'care-visiting' by designated officials on behalf of the local authority social services. These days 'individuals' are supposed to have a 'choice' on their own care and are allowed to decide on their own needs. Upto a point this is correct and people should be given some 'freedom' to make their own decisions. And in most instances it works well. There are , however, individuals who do either not have the appropriate insight to their needs or make a wrong decision deliberately ? for some other reason. It is the individual in these categories who sadly end up like the person initially referred to. Many ordinary people do NOT fully appreciate their abilities and the level of their copabilities. They maintain ( sadly often with the agreement of their relatives) that they would be okay without any 'official /professional' support and/or intervention. They say ''no'' to routine visits or stop attending any care-centre - the resuilt is often disasterous. They remain out of sight of the statutory agencies and they do not always recieve 'help' from theiur relatives either. The lesson of the story - CHOICE CAN ONLY BE USEFUL WITH PROPER KNOWLEDGE AND INSIGHT; UNINFORMED AND POORLY THOUGHT OUT CHOICES WITHOUT THEIR FULL IMPLICATIONS SHOULD BE DISCOURAGED All that said the wardens and other custodians of such ''homes'' or 'residencies'' should also remain vbigilant and try to keep any eye on their residents. True , these wardens are not 'legally' responsible for their 'care' but must play the role of ' at least. a good neighbour'

AND TO BE FAIR MOST OF THEM DO..... we must thank them for the 'extra' services they provide just as good citizens.