IT was interesting to note “Polls predict Labour will win Bolton West”, The Bolton News, August 28, Tory candidate Chris Green’s statement: “It is very important for me that the people of Bolton West are supported fully by their council.”

That is going to be quite difficult because his Tory party have taken £100 million out of this council’s budget.

That loss of money has caused severe hardship to many people.

He goes on to praise “hard-working taxpayers”, no doubt forgetting “his” hardworking taxpayers, who caused the financial crisis, can pay their taxes in the Isle of Man or other tax havens, unlike most of the citizens of Bolton West.

I notice, also, that under the Tory “watch” annual bonuses have increased by 4.9 per cent this year to £40 billion. No doubt many in Bolton West will be counting their bonuses tonight.

David Fogg Bolton