Cllr NICK Peel is either intentionally misleading readers or is blissfully unaware of the current policy from his own department when he said in the Bolton News "if people come across any fly tips they should let us know as soon as possible, then the council can do something about it. We then have to attempt to gather evidence so the fly-tippers can be prosecuted"

Cllr Peel, if you bothered to read some of the letters you will discover that your own department's policy in response to fly tipping is to tell the person who reported it that it will take "up to three weeks"

to remove. I have been told this on several occasions.

I had two mattresses dumped outside the back gate of a rented house near Bolton School two weeks ago, they are still there but two beds have since been added on top!

The investigation "procedure" is just a charade. I have been told by the Council that unless there is hard documentary evidence linking the fly tipping to an address then they cannot prosecute. In reality the Council do not even bother to knock on the door of the house where the items have been dumped even though in all likelihood the owners are the perpetrators.

There are two types of fly tipping blighting this town. The type where rubbish is dumped from someone outside of the area and the type where households dump their unwanted items outside their own property.

M Kozlowski
