REGARDING the proposed Cheadle Square student accommodation.

Once built the council will close the existing sites at Orlando Village and The Hollins which at present house 700 students, thereby ensuring the need for a new building.

The vice chancellor, registrar and student union president will then take up residence in Le Mans Crescent which seems odd as it will be away from the University building itself. The belief is that all this will provide more footfall for businesses in the town centre (perhaps in the Town Halls new cafes), bring life back into the town and upgrade Bolton to a University town. And all tied up in a neat little bow! We will have the same number of students so what difference will it make in the long run. All we will have is two more empty buildings alongside all the others and the ruination of Le Mans Crescent and Cheadle Square. For heavens sake councillors ignore the developers and those with their own agendas and stop now before it gets too far. Once it is done it cannot be undone.

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