ON the stupid plans for the revamp of Newport Street.

Here are some of my printable thoughts.

Planning and design by Desolation Incorporated.

Designers and Planners shove off and ruin some other town.

People in our town hall, who are prepared to go along with this vandalism can also shove off.

Councillor Morris keeps bemoaning that he has to save £48 million.

Yet if it is crude Stalinist brutal block architecture, he is all for it and can find more of our money to waste.

It seems what he and the planners want to do is to annihilate any historical and good architecture that Bolton ever had.

You only have to look at what they have done to the town in the last few years.

A further and a very important question is — Is it legal for a council to spend local council tax payers' monies fixing up, painting

and replacing shop fronts on property that is privately owned?

As for the colour suggestions they just beggar belief.

R E Richardson.

Little Lever