THE National Union of Teachers voted on no fines for parents who take their children out of school for an holiday during term time.

This was a vote for common sense.

What the NUT took into account at their annual conference in Harrowgate at the weekend, was parents on low incomes, and shift workers, found it difficult to take holidays in term time because of the hiking of the prices by travel firms. They also recommended that the next government should put pressure on these companies to not raise prices beyond many parents affordability.

By allowing parents to take their children out of school during term time, without punitive penalties, in the long run would be beneficial to children. After a holiday they would return refreshed, and this would enhance their education. Parents on low incomes need to take advantage of the lower prices, in term time, or in many cases they would not be able take a holiday.

Equalising holiday prices whether in school holidays, or term time would go a long way to easing the financial pressure on parents on low incomes.

And the swift implementation of a living wage, would also help to make it more affordable.

Alan Johnson,

Green Party PPC

Bolton South East