StEVE Jones' letter (May 13) is as usual very quick to point out Conservative failings.

Under any party these days there are lots of failings, also everybody has a part to play in those failings. There are wealthy, greedy people who cheat the system, dodge taxes, get richer by the minute and get away with it. There are less well off people who cheat the system, fiddle what they can, claim benefits they shouldn't, don't work when they can and get away with it.

The only difference is the scale of the reward not political alliance. Both these groups of people make it harder for the rest, rich or poor (whatever party) who are hard working, following the rules trying to make a decent life and by making there own choice when voting,

His statement that the Conservatives have pushed terminally ill people into work, made people kill themselves, made families homeless may be true, I don't know, but facts about Labour also paint a bleak picture. They encourage people to live beyond their means and under Tony Blair's leadership made a pact with the Bush administration and de-stabilised the East purely for America's gain in selling arms, causing real poverty and suffering for thousands of people who know what that really means. The repercussions of which we have only just begun to experience in the form of terrorism.

Then Tony Blair goes on his merry way making millions for himself and family after opening the immigration floodgates putting immense strain on our resources, not my sort of politics, sorry if that sounds nasty.

The Labour party is two-faced run by millionaires who expect everyone else to be socialist.

His last paragraph "people are plain nasty if they vote Conservative" is really naive and just as bad as me saying people who vote labour are stupid, neither true just a difference in opinion Steve.

Finally there is his utter guff about human rights and neoliberalism, those are just words Steve, go to the countries a Labour government helped ruin and ask them about Human Rights.

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