REGARDING (“Councillor gets a response over GP Practice” 7 Aug) I had a full response from the CCG's chief executive Su Long and I wish to share a summary of it.

The CCG review all CQC reports. For the GP Practices which ‘Require Improvement’ like the practice I raised (Great Lever One Practice) details of the report are discussed at the CCG’s GP Reference Committee.

This is the forum where practices or practitioners giving cause for concern are discussed.

The GP Reference Committee triangulates the CQC reports with other information received for example, incidents and complaints and determines what action the CCG may need to take.

Often support to practices is the appropriate option which is delivered in the main by the Primary Care Directorate of the CCG.

The CCG uses the CQC information alongside its own to support practices to improve.

Through the new Bolton Quality Contract in General Practice, the CCG has many measures to monitor Practice performance closely against delivery. The CCG is also looking into publicising on its website questions raised at public board meetings along with responses.

The public get mixed up by CCG, CQC and other various bodies in health and whatever I raise I find Bolton CCG is responsive and helpful.

Cllr Sue Haworth

Harper Green