THE election of Jeremy Corbyn, must be welcomed by all those who are fighting austerity and looking for a fairer Britain.

But with a Labour Council in Bolton who seemingly, willing impose cuts and inflict austerity on it’s workforce, and the general public, Mr Corbyn will have his work cut out.

We have a Labour council cutting workers' wages, and introducing worse terms and conditions, and ultimately an inferior service.

With its latest plans for Adult social care, it plans to save £3.5 million at the expense of its workforce, with the formation of Bolton Care and Support Ltd, a not for profit company, they say.

The Unions are right in opposing this, it is their job to protect workers wages and conditions.

It is hoped that Jeremy Corbyn, who was elected on an anti-austerity ticket, will lead his troops in an anti-austerity fight with the Tory Government, and encourage Labour Councils with the help of the public, to put up much more of a resistance to imposed cuts and austerity.

For some time now and in the last general election the Green Party, was the only party campaigning and fighting against austerity, and we will welcome a Labour Party that is prepared to do the same, under its new leader.

Alan Johnson,

Bolton Green Party