THE press has been making a lot about Jeremy Corbyn’s stands on non-nuclear weapons.

I like him; I believe it is a complete waste of money when this country has so many people in need (including food banks) and the number of people being denied disability benefits who are committing suicide is rising. I think the last count was some 600 but it’s a price worth paying, as Mr Cameron and the Conservative nasty party says, to get their nation back on track.

So we have nuclear weapons. Why are we debating whether we should go and fight in Syria? Surely the best option is to drop an atomic bomb on the strong hold of ISIS. This will get rid of the problem once and for all, will it not? The USA dropped two atomic bombs on Japan and they surrendered; logic tells us the atomic bomb works.

No just let’s get into the real world where dropping an atomic bomb is a totally ridiculous suggestion. There is absolutely no way any British politician is going to sanction the dropping of an atomic bomb in the Middle East. It is lunacy to suggest it but I would suggest that there isn’t a British politician who would drop one anywhere. Quite simply it is too damn dangerous for all of us so let’s face it, Jeremy Corbyn happens to be speaking the truth. ISIS is the biggest threat to world security in my lifetime. It’s a mess of our own making.

A famous politician once said that you should never dabble in other people’s politics because you’re on a slippery slide to nowhere. The people of this country should realise the atomic bomb in the United Kingdom will never ever be used. It doesn’t matter how many die, how many bombs go off in UK, they will never ever use it. What we do need is a larger conventional force, stricter border controls and severe sanctions against all banks who dabble in providing them with banking facilities arms manufacturers who sell the weapons and countries that support ISIS again we are extremely slow in doing this Cameron talks the talk but failed to do anything in these areas the British public are gullible and believe him. I just wish the British public would get real support Jeremy Corbyn on his stand on nuclear weapons in a mad world he is the only political leader in this country actually speaking the truth and you could argue it will do more for peace than any other decision we can take.

Western intervention has failed for the last 14 years so why should it succeed now without boots on the ground and a mandate from the United Nations.

Ian Greenhalgh

