I WRITE in response to the story regarding councillors in Bolton demanding that Jeremy Corbyn resigns as Leader of the Labour Party.

He was overwhelmingly voted in 10 months ago and has revitalised the Labour movement for workers and young people. The Labour party was dying and people were being turned off from politics as they didn't feel anyone was listening.

Jeremy has shown that he is listening and people now have hope. To blame someone who has been in position only 10 months is appalling. These same councillors didn't want Jeremy as Leader and voted for others, so he never stood a chance with them. To blame the result of the referendum on him is ludicrous and everyone has a democratic right to vote how they want and did. The Labour party should be uniting behind the leader and rid the country of the vile Tories and austerity. The councillors of Bolton need to start listening to the people here

Florence Hill

Thorns Road
