NO surprise then that Bolton Council have given the go-ahead for this controversial plan for a private cycle track on the open green fields of Leverhulme Park.

This will be open to the public but only if you are willing and able to pay and it will be privately run. This is not the first time that public parkland had been sold/given to private organisations. The Dixon Green bowling green, once very well used and enjoyed by generations of bowlers, was handed over to the wedding venue owners (the old Labour Club) on Mossfield Road to create a car park. The council says that it was because the green was no longer used. Bowlers say it was because the green was so badly maintained, bowling on there was impossible.

So, run down the park facilities until they are not fit for purpose, then say the public no longer use them, then sell the land off to the private sector.

The proposed site for the cycle track is not fit for purpose either, but since when has that stopped the council from making daft decisions.

Parkland is a very precious asset. It provides a breathing space for people in this overcrowded environment in which we live. Once it has gone, it has gone for good. There must be other sites that can be used that are not parkland. And if there are not, then you cannot sacrifice precious parkland for the sake of just saying "We have a cycling facility (it's not fit for purpose) but at least we have one".

Wake up Councillors, there is huge opposition to this plan. You were elected to serve the whole of your electorate and to protect public facilities and services, the cycling fraternity are even saying it is in the wrong place. Turn this around before it is too late.

Sharon Hardman

Buckley Lane
