NEWS that the Government is to introduce measures to reduce election fraud should be welcomed by all who value our democracy.

The proposals for voter identification at polling stations which are to be trialled in 2018 are an important step forward to ensure that only those entitled to vote can do so. The Government’s plans are amongst those I proposed and which were accepted by the Council in February.

Along with individual voter registration which was recently introduced, removing from the electoral register those who have moved house and often then registered at their new address, the proposals will go some way to reducing the risk of fraud.

The proposals are a good first stage. Measures to tighten up on the abuse of postal votes such as individuals handing in large numbers of postal votes are also needed if we are to have increase confidence in the electoral system. The real sadness is that such measures are needed and one can only speculate on the reasons why there are those who oppose improvements to electoral security and integrity.

Councillor John Walsh

Astley Bridge Ward

Bolton MBC