Players Angels

Farnworth Little Theatre, Cross Street

Until Saturday 

SET in 1953 Nottingham and all the girls want to work at Player's.

The biggest and best employer in town, the Players Angels have a good wage, a tobacco allowance and quite a reputation.

Down on the factory floor, Cyn dreams of being a beauty queen and Vee adjusts to married life. Glad is widowed and has a secret of her own but will she be able to keep it when her young niece Mae comes to stay and work at Player's?

Director Sandra Simpson has assembled a talented cast which captures the author's intentions from the get go — humour, pathos and, most of all, realism.

Donna Cubbage is excellent as Glad, stoically controlling her emotions throughout the play.

Lisa Wolstencroft, as Mae, makes the transition from young hesitant teenager to a more mature character with ease.

Helen Peers, as Vera, is also very good and her reaction of what she could do for her husband was brilliant.

A welcome return to the stage for Jane Smith as Cynthia, who gives a beautifully crafted performance throughout.

All four ladies worked so well together and were a joy to watch.

Ben Latham, as the token male, gives a good performance as supervisor Bill.

Costumes and props are spot on but Sara Hassall’s set design is, yet again, outstanding and is definitely a shining light in the production.

In fact I wanted to take the artwork that was on the back wall of the set home with me.

The play is based on real stories of life in the tobacco industry and is the recollection of good times, friendship and support for those pals in trouble which — for me — make for all the right ingredients for a good production.

Jason Crompton