Police in Wigan have released a CCTV picture of a man after a jeweller was distracted and an expensive ring stolen.

The thief went into Beaverbrooks in Tyldesley Arcade, Wigan, and asked to look at a ring from the window display at about 11am on September 30.

The shop assistant passed him a gold ring, worth thousands, and showed it to him while he sat down.

The thief then snatched the ring and ran out of the shop.

The man is described as being white, about 5ft 10ins tall, aged in his late 20s and of athletic build. He is also described as having a scar on the back of his head, short brown hair and was wearing a pale blue T-shirt, blue jeans and white trainers.

Police Constable Steve Foulkes, based at Wigan Police Station said: "This was a planned theft where the offender distracted the jeweller and took full advantage of the shop assistant, who tried to chase him out of the shop, but lost sight of the offender.

"We are hoping this picture will help to jog people's memories, and if anyone has any information, please get in touch."

Anyone with any information is asked to call police on 0161 856 7118 or the independent charity Crimestoppers, anonymously, on 0800 555 111.