Arsonists caused thousands of pounds worth of danage when they torched a car in south Manchester.

The incident happened on the driveway of a house on Kensington Road, Chorlton-cum-Hardy, at about 5.30am on Tuesday.

The car's owner, a 53-year-old woman, went to bed about midnight and was awoken by a loud bang.

She looked out of her bedroom window and saw two men who then ran off. However, a third man was standing by the side of her green Vauxhall Corsa parked on the drive.

Two bottles containing flammable liquid were thrown through the rear passenger window, causing the car to burst into flames.

The third man then ran off and joined his two accomplices and the gang fled along Kensington Road towards Chorlton-cum-Hardy.

They are described as wearing dark clothing with hoods over their heads, but the victim could not make out their ethnicity.

Police are now appealing to anyone who has information about the incident to come forward.

Detective Constable Neil Slater, based at Wythenshawe CID, said: "This was a very deliberate and calculated attempt by this gang to torch the car. It has been completely gutted and the repair bill will run into thousand of pounds.

"It was clearly premeditated as the arsonists had prepared some sort of firebomb, and the only saving grace was that the blaze was contained to the car.

"There is no way these idiots could have known if the fire would stay contained in the vehicle. It could have spread to the house and then we could have been dealing with a fatality.

"It is vital we catch these vandals before they strike again and next time, cause even more harm."

Anyone with information should call Wythenshawe CID on 0161 856 4853 or the independent charity Crimestoppers, anonymously, on 0800 555 111.