A GIANT drinks can is travelling the streets of Bolton serving cocktails to young people.

The mobile bar, in the shape of a can, sells non-alcoholic drinks in a bid to stop teenagers getting into trouble.

Zac's Youth Bar, based in Farnworth, is running the vehicle to show young people they can have fun without drinking alcohol.

Stuart Barnes, Zac's director, said: "The whole ethos of Zac's is that there is a credible alternative to alcohol. The cocktails are different and something special, but we also have soft drinks too.

"The mobile bar allows us to reach more young people and visit places across the borough."

Zac's bought the custom-made vehicle this year.

Its first outings have been to the centre of Little Lever and at Little Lever Specialist Language College.

Teenagers can sip on a Kit Kat Funky, Robbie Rotten or Three Cs.

The plan is to set up the mobile bar at venues across the borough, including schools, and to take it to events.

Mr Barnes said: "The mobile bar allows us to get into areas and get to know the kids. We can go into schools and do alcohol awareness lessons and go to festivals and fairs.

"Young people can also get involved themselves by working at the bar to gain skills and experience."

Teenagers who frequent Zac's, which also serves non-alcoholic drinks and provides entertainment, came up with the idea of having a mobile bar.

They applied for a youth capital bid, which provided £29,000 towards the cost of the £32,000 project.

The rest of the money came from grants and the centre's funds.

The teenagers helped design the vehicle and all the cocktails.

Little Lever, Farnworth and Moses Gate Country Park will receive visits from the mobile bar over the summer.

The use of the vehicle will increase from August when a new member of staff will be arranging its schedule.