BOLTON Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB) will be out and about helping people to cut hundreds of pounds from their energy bills.

As the rising cost of living continues to put pressure on household budgets, CAB is offering free advice today and Friday to help consumers save energy, cut their bills and get all the support they are entitled to.

Big Energy Saving Week is a national campaign running until January 31 and organised by Citizens Advice and supported by charities, the Government and the energy industry to help consumers check they are on the best deal, switch tariff or supplier, and take up help to insulate their homes and reduce their energy usage.

Richard Wilkinson, chief officer of Bolton CAB, said: “The rising cost of living means that more and more people are finding that their household budgets won’t cover day to day essentials.

“We’re keen to make sure that no-one pays a penny more than they need to on energy costs. Consumers can also get help and advice online at bigenergysaving, or from their local CAB.