MORE than 100 pupils at Atherton Community School are to become published writers in a new anthology published by Young Writers, Bonacia Ltd.

Pupils from Years 7 and 8 were invited to enter a creative writing competition for 11 to 18-year-olds run by The Young Writers.

The competition asked for an original story with a twist or a well-known classic with a new spin on it. However, the added challenge was to write the story using fewer than 100 words.

The winning stories have been chosen to be published in an anthology called A Twist in the Tale which will go on sale in April.

The editorial team at the Young Writers organisation found the ACS stories to be “of a highly creative standard and enjoyable to read.”

Elizabeth Haddock, Principal of ACS, said: “The pupils embraced the challenge and experimented with this short and concise format, choosing their words for impact and effect.

“We’re very proud that so many have been chosen and are looking forward to seeing them in print.”