DRAMA students will stage a powerful play exploring the impact of dementia on the patient and family in a groundbreaking project led by Bolton Dementia Support Group.

The group has commissioned community arts organisation Well Arty to deliver the drama project with A-level drama students at Turton School.

The drama is inspired by Tom Kitwood's book Dementia Reconsidered and is entitled "Dementia Positive" and follows the experiences of Betsy Bolton and her family through her journey after being diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease."

Running alongside will be an exhibition showing positive depictions of people with the illness.

The performance at the Bromley Cross school will take place on November 27 at 5.45pm.

The event is free but tickets need to be booked by visiting www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/dementia-positive-tickets-14172561513

There will be refreshments after the performance.