WHEN it comes to having fun it looks as if this little lad was certainly enjoying himself.

Young Andrew Wilcock, who was seven-years-old in 1970 when our photograph was taken, was trying out a few notes on the bagpipes before the start of the Roman Catholic processions in Bolton at the weekend.

Piper Peter Larkin was walking with St Edmund's Church in May 1970 and stopped off to do a bit of piping with little Andrew.

Over the last few weeks we have featured a number of procession photographs and they always prove very popular.

It would be lovely to track down young Andrew who appeared in this great photograph and to find out more about the traditions of walking day.

If you have any walking day memories you would like to share with us — we know what a big part of Bolton life they have been over the years — then do get in touch with Gayle McBain on 01204 537269 or email gayle.mcbain@nqnw.co.uk and share those special memories with other Looking Back readers who will be delighted to read them.