LITTLE bright sparks have been learning how to stay safe around electricity this summer.

Experts from power network provider Electricity North West came to Bolton Lads and Girls Club on Wednesday to educate junior club members.

The youngsters were shown how to build their own electrical circuits and taught about how electricity is delivered to their homes during a fun-filled interactive workshop.

The event was part of a monthly programme of educational sessions which are held at the Lads and Girls Club – with this month’s theme ‘safety’.

Jonathan Collins, corporate social responsibility manager for Electricity North West, said: “We were delighted to spend time with the young people at the Bolton Lads and Girls Club and it was a great opportunity to teach them the importance of staying safe around electricity just before they break up for summer.

“We reminded them that if a ball or other object ends up in a substation compound they should leave it there and not be tempted to reach it.

“They can call us and we will get it for them safely. Also, if they are playing in a field with overhead power lines then they should keep their distance.”

Leon Crosby, junior club leader at the lads and girls club, said: “Each month we deliver educational sessions to our members, providing them with life skills, confidence and character building for the future.

“As part of this month’s safety theme we were delighted to welcome Electricity North West to the club.

“Our members thoroughly enjoyed the session which tackled serious and important messages in a fun and engaging way.”

Mr Collins added: “The session was also a great way for youngsters to be inspired by electricity and enjoy the hands on activities in the hope of encouraging them to think about how they use electricity and open up the idea of a future career in engineering.”