WHO would have thought it — a slide bought 40 years ago for a Horwich play group is still going strong?

It will certainly have seen plenty of wear and tear over the years but this slide is as popular today as it always was, says Dorothy Bromley who runs Horwich Playcare.

At a recent party to celebrate the play group's birthday Dorothy was joined by youngsters who enjoy the facilities today and former members who are now all grown up.

Playgroups have changed so much over the years but the traditional style that Dorothy runs is hugely popular, she explains.

"Children learn through play and that is so important," she says.

Many former "students" attended to reminisce and the event proved to be a great success.

Play groups have grown in popularity over the years and provide a vital part of education for many local children.

Gone are the days when children stayed at home until they reached school age. Today they are more likely to have enjoyed a play group or nursery school education before moving on to traditional education within a school environment.

For Dorothy the emphasis should be on play — particularly with pre-school children — but that does not mean they do not learn (in fact it is quite the opposite with children learning a great deal by playing according to Dorothy).

While times have changed in the education system Dorothy's methods have not and hundreds of youngsters have enjoyed learning through play at Horwich Playcare over the years.

Dorothy started work with the group 37 years ago as a leader but then took over as owner.

The play group very nearly had to close — in the 1980s — when a surveyor's report revealed thousands of pounds of work was needed on the turn-of-the-century building.

But the intrepid mums who ran the group decided to raise the money and by May 1985 had collected £4,000 with more events organised to reach their goal.

At the special open morning Dorothy opened photograph albums, books and minutes of registers for the former attendees to enjoy perusing.

Do you have fond memories of attending a play group? Perhaps you can recall how pre-school education has changed over the years.

If so do get in touch with Gayle McBain on 01204 537269 or email gayle.mcbain@nqnw.co.uk and share those memories with us and other Looking Back readers.