A PIONEERING project aimed at curbing anti-social behaviour in Farnworth got young people off the streets -and involved in making a film.

The "Weekenders Project" led by the council's Farnworth Inclusion Team, was launched following complaints about gangs of youths gathering and drinking alcohol in the Highfield area.

More than 80 young people took part in the 16-week project which involved them spending time with people from the emergency services, the council and other organisations on Friday evenings. And the evenings were recorded on film.

Project officer Susan Hamlin said: "They interviewed police, fire service, anti-social behaviour officers, accident and emergency staff and mediation agencies and asked them what impact teen drinking had on their jobs and in the community.

"There were also music and sound production evenings, which were held as a reward for the youngsters for giving up Friday evenings."

The project culminated when those involved got together to view the finished film on DVD and discuss ways to build upon the pilot scheme.

Some of the issues raised during the project were: l Large gangs of youths congregating on the "Bird Estate" of Highfield and causing a nuisance.

  • The low cost of alcohol and its easy availability.

Young people said that they were upset that they may be perceived as intimidating, as this was not their intention.

One of the suggested solutions was a youth shelter, which the young people said they would like to be placed in an area away from houses so that they could relax without causing a nuisance to anybody.