BOLTON motorists could be affected by six lots of roadworks starting today.

Waggon Road in Breightmet will be closed to traffic for more than two weeks while contractors create a new manhole in the road.

The work is expected to be completed by Friday, February 12.

Union Road will have temporary two way traffic lights operating for the same period while cable ducts are laid by contractors.

From tomorrow until Wednesday, traffic travelling on Slater Street and Weston Street in Great lever will be disrupted by roadworks.

A high level of disruption is expected to be caused by temporary lights on Weston Street between 8am and 4pm while National Rail replace timber batons on the railway bridge.

One lane of Slater Street, near the junction with Higher Bridge Street, will be closed at off-peak times to allow Vodafone to lay cable ducting.

There will also be a one-day lane closure on Bridgeman Place so the company can use a Cherry-Picker to reach antennas on the roof of a building between 9.30am and 3.30pm.

Manchester Road, in Westhoughton, will also be subject to a lane closure near the Chequerbent roundabout for the day while United Utilities repair a manhole.