YOUNGSTERS are using their artistic talents to put their mark on a centre which will help children and families in Bolton.

A group of 10 to 16 year olds have been working with community artist Tracy Fenton to create a colourful tile mosaic for the children's centre proposed for Leverhulme Community Centre.

Every week, they have been piecing together the tiny tiles that will make up an image of a hearty breakfast table.

The mosaic will feature a breakfast bowl, a spoon, a box of cornflakes and a jug of milk. Once finished the cornflakes will spell out: "Every Child Matters".

The project is part of Bolton Council's "Moving Up Through Leisure" scheme which uses sport and leisure to help disadvantaged children.

Tracy said: "Breakfast is supposed to be the most important meal of the day. However, not every child is lucky enough to have one. The project has been demanding, but it's been wonderful to meet so many young people."

One artist, David Robinson, aged 11, said: "I like art and I have enjoyed being involved in the project. I always try to have breakfast in the morning - usually cereal."

Paige Lloyd, aged nine, said: "I worked on creating the table part of the mosaic. I got some grout and stuck the tiles down. It was a bit messy but good fun and I feel proud to have helped make something that will go up on the wall."

Cllr John Byrne, the council's executive member for young people and sport, said: "This is a great project that has involved the talents of an artist and the enthusiasm of a group of young people who may not have ordinarily had the opportunity to show their creative side."

The children's centre in Leverhulme is one of nine to be built in Bolton after the award of a £7 million Government grant. Each will cost between £200,000 and £500,000 and should be opened by April next year.