Troubled footballer Paul Gascoigne has been left devastated after the body of his drug addict nephew Jay Kerrigan 22, was found slumped in a tower block on Saturday at Warwick Court.

Former England, Spurs and Newcastle football legend Gazza has struggled with his own demons, battling drugs and booze over the years.  Following the tragedy, he tweeted: “I love my family. I’m crying my ******* eyes out I’m honest please leave all concerned alone X”.

Jay, who lived with mum Anna, stepdad and sister Harley 20, had been working for an enviromental charity Groundswork Northeast.

But writng on Facebook recently it was evident he was still battling his addictions, he wrote: “ I haven’t smiled in years, I feel trapped’’.

In other posts Jay admitted losing friends as a result of his troubles, even speaking about suicide.

Anna, 49, has been supporting her brother for years in his battle with his own addictions and mental health problems - utterly heartbreaking that her own son has now lost his life.

Sadly too many men are suffering silently with mental health issues, suicide being the biggest killer in the UK for men under 45. 

Men are supposed to be ‘strong’ and shouldn’t show emotion –  it’s time this outdated attitude changed - we are all human and have feelings and emotions.

Sunday saw the debut single from Jaiden Michael, Break A Sweat - the ultimate ‘party’ gym workout  - AND the video is guaranteed to make you smile!  

Jaiden hit our screen back in 2011 on Channel 4’s Desperate Scousewives  - described as ‘Britains Most Brutal Blogger’.

I have to say Jaiden has one of the biggest hearts I know, helping the homeless at Booth Centre, Manchester - and now donating royalties from the track to Carers Trust, Cathie Stankevitch Foundation and Riverside Boxing Club – so not that ‘brutal’ after all!

As you know I  encourage talent but the latest documentary - Tiny Tot’s Talent - made me wince. Seemingly being pushed by their proud parents, little Ava said: “I want to be a model Monday to Thursday, DJ Friday and a police woman at the weekend.”  I didn’t know what I wanted for breakfast at that age!