ORGANISERS of Bolton’s first half marathon said there is a “possibility” it could be a full marathon next year.

Seven hundred runners took part in the race on Sunday, which was organised by Mad Bull Events.

Following the success of the event director Stewart Jones said he “would like to see it back next year.”

If a full marathon is agreed by Bolton Council it would be the first in the town in 30 years.

The race director added: “We have always made it known that our intention was and we hoped to do the half marathon as a stepping stone to a full marathon.

“So it is something that we originally planned and there is a possibility that next year it will be a full marathon but this is something we need to discuss with Bolton Council.”

The half marathon set off from Le Mans Crescent in the town centre at 10am and tackled a tricky course along Chorley New Road.

Competitors turned into Overdale Drive and on to Lostock Train Station before travelling along Regent Road, across Regent Park Golf Course before heading towards Wingates and the A6.

PICTURES: Hundreds take to streets for town’s half marathon

Finally, the runners went through Westhoughton and on to Bolton Road and then Chew Moor Lane, before returning to Lostock Train Station and onto Le Mans Crescent to the finish line.

Mr Jones added: “It went better than I could have ever expected.

“The atmosphere was fantastic. We were flooded with comments from people saying how much they enjoyed it and how well it was organised.

“We were especially told that Westhoughton was really supportive.

“We would like to see it come back next year.”

The men’s winner was Neil Pendlebury, aged 29, of Leigh, who finished in 71 minutes and 46 seconds and the women’s winner was Carmen Byrne, aged 39, of Helmshore, who finished in 89 minutes.