WATER flow problems have been reported in the Westhoughton area.

Residents have complained about either having no water or just getting a “trickle” through their taps.

United Utilities said that a leak on Lostock Lane had been spotted and the water supply has been turned off by an inspector to ensure no water is wasted.

In order to help with the supply, water has been piped in from a different area to Westhoughton while the leak is sorted out.

An update from United Utilities said: “You may find that it doesn’t flow as much as the pressure will be lower but we’re working as quickly as we can on our pipe so we can get your taps flowing back to normal again.

“We’re sorry about this and will try and get your taps flowing normally as quickly as we can.”

Updates on the issue can be found at unitedutilities.com/help-and-support/current-incidents