A BOLTON MP has backed an idea that could see the European Union flag replaced on driving licences and number plates by the red rose of Lancashire.

On Wednesday, MPs will debate in the House of Commons on whether to introduce regional flags to replace the European banner after Brexit.

Bolton West representative Chris Green has expressed his support for the proposals, which are being led by fellow Conservative MPs from Cornwall.

Mr Green tweeted: “Great idea — I will look forward to upgrading my plates with Lancashire’s red rose.”

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What should replace the EU flag on number plates

"It's been announced that the EU flag will be removed from UK number plates once Britain leaves the EU. But what should replace it? Get in touch with your thoughts"

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The Bolton News:

Andrew Jones, a transport minister, confirmed this weekend that the European flag — which consists of a circle of twelve gold stars on a blue background — would have to be removed once Britain formally exits the EU.

The Westminster debate on the issue is scheduled for 4.30pm on Wednesday.

Cornish MP Scott Mann said that drivers should have the option of including a regional flag on their licences and number plates as well as the Union Jack.