A HEAVILY pregnant woman is appealing for help to return her wedding DVDs, after they were left inside a car that was stolen from outside her home.

Nicola Partington, a legal solicitor at Russell and Russell solicitors in Bolton, is more than 30 weeks pregnant and was targeted by thieves last week.

On Thursday, June 22, Mrs Partington, aged 31, was upstairs in bed at her home shortly before 11pm and her partner Leon was downstairs watching television.

Mr Partington heard their car door slam and got up, when he went to the window he saw two man in the vehicle.

He began shouting up to Mrs Partington to as he believed the keys to the black BMW must have been in the car for the thieves to get in and he needed her to let him out the house because the front door was locked.

The keys were in Mrs Partington's bag upstairs and by the time Mr Partington had got out of the front door the two men had driven off at speed in the car.

The only copies of the wedding DVDs were in the car as well a Moses basket the couple had bought for their unborn baby.

Mrs Partington explained: "We were just going to take the DVDs down to my mum and dad's house because they haven't had a chance to watch the DVDs yet even though we got married in June last year.

"My wedding DVDs are what I am most concerned about.

"I'm heart-broken. I'm devastated. I have sort of resigned myself to the fact that I am not going to see my car again but I am more hopeful about the DVDs."

Following the theft Mrs Partington contacted the company that made the DVDs but the footage had now been erased.

She added that she has not stopped crying since the theft.

The couple, who have a six-year-old son called Leo, live in Crawford Avenue, Tyldesley.

The car was taken from the couple's house in Crawford Avenue in Tyldesley.

A police spokesman said: "We were called at around 1.15pm on Thursday, June 22 to a report of a theft of a car in Crawford Avenue in Tyldsley.

"Anyone with information should call police on 101 and quote incident 2500 of June 22 or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111."