Natasha Cartwright, beauty manager at Saks, Churchgate, Bolton

Nine til Five

We've all been there! Slept in, alarm ringing in our ears,that fear and dread that you'll not make it to work for 9am. But how can you possibly step out of the front door without your full slap of make-up? Try this look, which, once perfected can take minutes to apply.

Starting with the base, go for a tinted moisturiser and translucent powder.

For the cheeks try a light rouge blush, but just brush the apples of the cheek.

For the use an iridescent powder but be careful as the older you get, these shimmers can look creppy - keep to matte.

Use a dark brown powder along the lash line and dark brown mascara. Use a pencil on the brow however you must use an eyebrow brush to stop it looking too severe.

Put a little iridescent colour on the corner of the eye to brighten it up.

Use a nude gloss or light base lipstick, blot it and sheen it with a gloss.

Go with only seconds to spare.

Michael Ainsworth, senior stylist at Saks, Churchgate, Bolton

The Chop

Wanting a style statement and ready to go under the scissors? Try the Chop.

This is a versatile look meant for medium to thick hair. It's easier to textualise if it's shorter.

On fine hair it can look too scraggy and it works better on more petite figures.

People with shoulder bob-length hair are coming in for the cut, or asking for it a bit longer, just sitting on the collarbone.

Once you've had it snipped then tip the hair upside down to lift the roots and give it body.

You can even take your straighteners and take random puts and pull them out to create flicks.

Use some soft wax like Nutri-sculpt Nacre serum, which has pearl protein in it to separate the layers but not make the hair limp like some waxes can do.

If you want the look but don't want to go so severe then try getting your hairdresser to cut some shorter layers around the crown.