Natasha Cartwright, beauty manager at Saks, Churchgate, Bolton

Date Night

So make-up might be the last thing you think of when it comes to how to perfect your look for a first date.

The dress and any impinging spots are first on the list but you'd be a fool not to think about what signs you want to be giving off with your war paint.

As any self respecting female will know au-naturel does not mean no make-up. So don't ditch the cosmetics just yet.

Niether do you want to follow the Amy Winehouse (overloaded eyeliner) route - we don't want to scare the poor boy do we.

So try out this soft look. Use a kohl liner which is softer and will give you a more youthful appearence. Top tip though is not to line the inner eye - you'll get gloop, not a good look.

Glide as close to the lashes as possible and if your eyes are quite big then you only need to do it along the whole way, just halfway will do.

You want to go for a powder, flawless look with just a hint of blush. You could even try a light bronzer for a night-time event.

Try a highlighter under the eye to excentuate the cheek bone.

Finally slap on some gloss on the lips. Shimmer would work well here. However don't get too obsessed with slapping it on all night - he doesn't want to be kissing an oil slick.