TWO residents' associations are divided over a decision to put speed humps on roads in Horwich.

Bolton Council has proposed a £130,000 traffic-calming scheme for the accident-plagued areas around Claypool Road and New Chapel Lane.

But while Claypool Residents' Association is in favour of the scheme, Brazley Residents' Association does not believe humps are the answer.

The scheme includes 49 humps on the estates which run between Chorley Old Road and Chorley New Road.

There were eight accidents on the roads between 2002 and 2004, resulting in nine people being injured.

Five of those injured were children - four were walking along the road and one was riding a bike.

Ken Whowell, Claypool Residents' Association secretary, said: "People hurtle up and down New Chapel Lane and speeding starts at Chorley Old Road.

"New Chapel Lane is extremely dangerous for pedestrians and cyclists because there are no footpaths.

"Children walk to Claypool Primary School and have to cross the road several times to keep on the pavement.

"Something needs to be done to reduce the accident risk on both estates."

Jim Smith, Brazley Residents' Association chairman, said: "Unfortunately, I don't think that humps will slow people down, and could damage cars and increase pollution.

"I'm sure there are better methods that could be used.

"It should be about traffic management and policing - they should catch the culprits who are speeding."

A Bolton Council spokesman said: "We have carried out an accident assessment on these roads, which scored highly, and the scheme was designed with the views of the residents associations taken into consideration."

The scheme will go to Cllr Nick Peel, Bolton Council's executive member for environment on January 22.