ARTISTIC youngsters came under the spotlight at a special conference held at Rumworth School.

The special school in Ladybridge hosted the conference to discuss ways of promoting the needs of artistic young people with learning disabilities.

School pupils, as well as representatives from Mencap and Bolton Council were invited to the event to find out what art subjects young people enjoy and how to develop their interests after they leave school.

Gus Garside, Mencap's national arts manager, said: "Many teenagers with a learning disability face extra barriers if they want to do arts or cultural activities outside school. These include transport problems, lack of independence and inaccessible facilities or activities.

"This event was all about asking young people what they think and what they want to do."

Pupils in Year 11 and the sixth-form at Rumworth took part in workshops in dance, drama, puppetry, photography and video-making run by art consultancy HQ.

Julia Mason, head of Rumworth's sixth form, said: "This event was a great opportunity for our students to do some really interesting art activities which they might not have access to otherwise. This work can also go towards arts qualifications they are working on."

Findings from the day will be included in a national Mencap report.