FOUR men involved in violence in a Tyldesley nightclub have been advised by a judge to stop binge drinking.

Anthony Jeffreys, aged 36, of Samuel Street, Atherton; Matthew Noon, aged 23, of Emlyn Street, Walkden; Craig Neal, aged 20, of Green Street, Atherton; and Billy Barlow, aged 24, of Aspinall Crescent, Little Hulton, have appeared at Liverpool Crown Court.

Jeffreys and Noon pleaded guilty to affray while Neal and Barlow admitted threatening behaviour.

Philip Hall, prosecuting, said the incident occurred outside a nightclub in Elliott Street, Tyldesley, at 2am on April 28.

Police officers saw a fight taking place in the middle of the road which began when Jeffreys butted Barlow.

Neal then punched a man twice in the head while he lay on the ground and he was chased and arrested.

Barlow was seen standing in the middle of the road goading others to fight.

Noon was seen punching a man who was on the ground during which one blow landed on one of the officers. All four men were arrested, said Mr Hall.

Noon was sentenced to 10 months imprisonment suspended for 12 months, tagged and placed under a 8pm to 6am curfew for 56 days and ordered to carry out 150 hours unpaid work. He was also ordered to pay £500 prosecution costs.

Jeffreys was sentenced to six months imprisonment suspended for 12 months, ordered to carry out 100 hours unpaid work. He is to be electronically tagged while under an 8pm to 5am curfew for 56 days and ordered to pay £500 prosecution costs.

Barlow and Neal were ordered to carry out 80 hours unpaid work.

Neal is to be tagged during his 28 day curfew between 8pm to 6am and Barlow, a painter and decorator who works in London, faces a three month curfew between 7pm and 6am each Saturday for three months and has to pay £300 prosecution costs.

"I suggest less binge drinking and more sense," said Judge Sean Duncan.