Dear Style Rehab

I really struggle to buy Valentine's presents for my boyfriend as I don't want to go overboard but am fed-up with the usual boxers and chocolates I usually get him.

Where can I get an unsual present for him which won't break the bank.

Lisa, Bolton

Many women, up-and-down the country, will have this similar dilemma when buying presents for their other-half this Valentine's Day, so you're not alone.

The classic gift to give any boy is a smelly set. Boy's love these as they don't have to go smelly shopping. Handy little tubes are great for the gym and this set from Burtons comes in a carry case. The pack includes, shower gel, shave gel, shampoo and moisturiser - which will stop him using all your expensive potions. What's more at £10 it leaves you with more to spend on your evening's outfit.

If you fancy spending even less and haven't been "going steady" for long this Jim'll Fix It, soap on a rope gift will not only make him laugh, it will keep him smelling nice, bonus. It might seem a bit tacky but remember if it's only your second date you don't want to be sending the hearts and flowers just yet. And at just £7.95 from it doesn't cost the earth. Remember to allow for time for delivery when ordering from the internet.

If you know your man really well, and know he isn't afraid of his feminine side then the next two gifts are for you.

This tie will look lush under any man's office attire. The white detracts from the soft pink and the £9.50 price tag isn't too bad. Marks and Spencer have it spot on-trend but be careful - have a sneak in your man's wardrobe - you don't want his cheeks to go the shade of the present at the thought of going to work in this, so spare his blushes and your purse and head for the chocolates.

If you really do know your man then how about investing in a bit of cashmere. This jumper, also from Marks and Spencer, comes it at £49.50. It will take your man out of his winter woolies and straight into the spring. The colour isn't as girly as the tie above, however still be careful about buying him pink and maybe opt for a black version.

It is also important to remember, especially with boys, that it doesn't matter whether you're bored with the gift, they will relish the fact they don't have to go boxer short shopping for at least six months.

And also remember, Valentine's Day is all about the love, not the prezzies.