I refer to the article of Friday, December 23 “Bolton climate event attracts Bishop and Council Boss”.

Firstly, there is no climate crisis or climate emergency, as there is no empirical scientific evidence to actually prove that it is human activity that is causing climate change.

The support expressed by the Bishop of Bolton, Mark Ashcroft ,for extinction rebellion/just stop oil, ‘or whatever these bands of misanthropes call themselves these days and their illegal activities’, is disgraceful. For a so-called man of God to support this “terrorist-style” organisation and their activities should be of concern. The strategies employed by these good for nothings is by design dangerous and threatens the lives and wellbeing of innocent members of the public, such as by preventing people from attending vital hospital appointments and preventing the passage of emergency vehicles.

Climate change is a permanent feature of the planet; any human impact that ‘may’ be occurring is probably much too small to discern against a background of natural variabilities.

Human released C02 which is so often blamed for changing the weather is an insignificant player, as compared to natural processes.

Science does not support emission cuts, green taxes and the severe curtailment of personal liberties proposed by this “merry band” of Marxist, green echo warriors. Any influence humans may exude on the environment must be carefully monitored and evaluated.

In the meantime common sense policies such as cost-effective energy conservation and improved efficiency are in order, rather than the hasty and economically devastating actions currently being pursued that are based on insufficient scientific evidence.

Stuart A Chapman