Greater Manchester Police (GMP) is building momentum in fighting and preventing domestic and sexual abuse – as data reveals thousands of arrests were made in the space of a year.

Figures shared by GMP shows that in the 12 months to March 2022, officers made 19,588 arrests in connection with domestic abuse - a 79 per cent increase on the previous year.

The number of arrests which resulted in a charge or summons also increased by 32 per cent.

In the same period, 3,050 arrests were made in connection with rape and sexual offences - a 33 per cent increase and charges and summons also increased by 24 per cent.

Detective Chief Superintendent Michaela Kerr, head of public protection, said: “In recent months, we have made significant progress in responding to and investigating domestic and sexual abuse.

“Though this is something to be proud of, we are realistic and know that there is always room to improve the service we are delivering to vulnerable people and those who are subjected to the most traumatic of experiences.

“While responding to and investigating these crimes is at the forefront of our strategy to tackle them, so too is preventing them in the first place - to keep people safe and save them from harm’s way.

“As such, we have increased the use of Domestic Violence Protection Notices by over three quarters in the last 12 months.

“With showcasing our progress comes the opportunity to speak to those who need us most.

“To anyone who is suffering or has suffered at the hands of a perpetrator of domestic abuse or sex offender, please let this reassure you that GMP will take you seriously, we will ensure you are supported by specialist officers and the network of services across Greater Manchester, we will put you at the heart of our investigations and we will do so with the intention of securing the best possible outcome for you and anyone else affected.”