As we are coming up to Christmas, I will like to wish all the people of Bolton a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Christmas is a fantastic time of the year to see family and friends and reflect on how we can make the world a more positive place.

The Christmas message is one that resonates with people of all faiths and none. We can all do better in both our private and public life in helping one and another and giving something back to the community.

Unfortunately, it can also be a time of year people find difficult. Particularly if they are having money difficulties, personal troubles or feel lonely and isolated. If you know someone who may be in that situation, reach out to them.

If you are someone in that situation, you can reach out for professional help and support too.

There are organisations out there who can support you and helplines operating 24/7 across GM. Free mental health support is available on the GM helpline – 0800 953 0285.

There are also other amazing organisations. Search online for groups in the region like Greater Manchester Bereavement Service, SilverCloud, Kooth, Qwell, among many others.

Support is out there, please do not suffer alone.