BOTH JP Tyler (The Bolton News, September 24), and, earlier, Christine Adams, are trying to disguise the real nature of the campaign which led to the demolition of toilets in Farnworth Park.

If neglect or vandalism was a good reason for getting rid of public facilities, we would never have seen a bus shelter or a phone box for generations, but in any case, despite the attempt by these two to re-write recent history, neglect or dilapidation formed no part of the vicious campaign to close these toilets.

That campaign was driven entirely by homophobia at a time when it was thought that such an approach would advance the prospects of Nicholas Wood-Dow being elected as the Conservative MP for Bolton South East.

Nobody came forward to claim that they had witnessed any sexual activity between men, but Ms Adams’ fevered imagination led her to complain, even after the toilets were closed, that men sat in their cars outside on the main road “flashing their headlights at each other” — God help us all!

Allan Horsfall, Bolton