We all know it’s hard to find suitable fancy dress costumes without having to fork out a fortune in the shops.

So how do you “do” Halloween without feeling like you’re spending your Christmas savings on tat.

First stop has got to be Matalan. It is doing Holloween chic on a shoe-string budget and you can ensure you’ll win that prize for the best dressed come October 31.

These wicked witch and dracula costumes come in at £20 each so you and your fella can both be adorned in spooky style. If there is a child involved in the festivities then try this pumpkin tabard and hat at just £6. How cute will your little one look come fright night. If you’re looking to go a bit more sophisticated then try this vintage pumpkin dress from Beond Retro at just £25. Who knows, you might even scare the kids.

If all else fails, whack on a little black dress and you’ll be quids in, leaving you to spend your money on cut price treacle toffee once the season ends.