As October is Breast Cancer Awareness month, Katie Lucas reveals there’s plenty of charity products on the market so you can do your bit.

Evelyn Lauder not only launched Breast Cancer Awareness Month in the UK, she also founded the Breast Cancer Research Foundation. So, it’s no surprise that Estee Lauder have some fantastic charity products out this month, including the Evelyn Lauder Lip Color Collection (£18). £5 from each purchase will be donated to the Foundation.

Breast cancer affects more than 44,600 women a year. Early diagnosis could save your life, so take five minutes, once or twice a month, to check for any of the following changes to your breasts.

Change in size or shape of one breast.

Change in a nipple, such as it becoming inverted, or any discharge.

A rash around the nipple.

Swelling around the armpit or collarbone.

A lump, or thickening of the breast tissue.

For free breast awareness materials, call Breast Cancer Care on: 0845 092 0819.